
 懿古今   2022-10-02 17:42:09 更新  技术文档

我们国内很多 WordPress 主题都会带有一个读者墙功能,Nana 主题也不一例外,但是看多了按总评论数的排行榜,是否有点腻歪?而且我们大多数主题都有评论等级的功能,是否想过读者按评论等级逐级显示出来?今天就教大家如何实现 WordPress 读者墙按评论等级显示相应读者。大概的效果图如下:

如何实现WordPress读者墙按评论等级显示相应读者? - 第1张 - 懿古今(www.yigujin.cn)

1、制作评论榜单模板。以 Nana 主题为例,找到 template-readers 文件,复制一份并重名为 template-pinglunbang,然后打开该文件,找到以下代码

Template Name: 读者百强榜


Template Name: 评论榜单


function readers_wall($limit = "100")
global $wpdb;
$counts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(comment_author) AS cnt, comment_author, comment_author_url, comment_author_email FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE user_id!='1' AND comment_author!='1' AND comment_approved='1' AND comment_type='' GROUP BY comment_author ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT $limit");
$i = 0;
foreach ($counts as $count ) {
$c_url = $count->comment_author_url;
if (!$c_url) {
$c_url = "https://boke112.com";
$tt = $i;
if ($i == 1) {
$tt = "读者之青龙";
else if ($i == 2) {
$tt = "读者之白虎";
else if ($i == 3) {
$tt = "读者之朱雀";
else if ($i == 4) {
$tt = "读者之玄武";
else {
$tt = "第" . $i . "名";
$avatar = my_avatar( $count->comment_author_email,36,$default='',$count->comment_author);
if ($i < 5) {
$type .= "<a class=\"item-top item-" . $i . "\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"【" . $tt . "】评论:" . $count->cnt . "\"><h4>【" . $tt . "】</h4>".$avatar."<strong>" . $count->comment_author . "</strong>" . $c_url . "</a>";
else {
$type .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"【" . $tt . "】评论:" . $count->cnt . "\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
echo $type;
<div class="readers">
<?php readers_wall(100);?>


function readers_wall($limit = 100)
global $wpdb;
$counts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(comment_author_email) AS cnt, comment_author, comment_author_url, comment_author_email FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE user_id!='1' AND comment_approved='1' AND comment_type='' AND comment_author_url!='' GROUP BY comment_author_email ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 0 , $limit");
$i1 = 0;$i2 = 0;$i3 = 0;$i4 = 0;$i5 = 0;$i6 = 0;$i7 = 0;$i8 = 0;
$dj = 0;
$xiucai = '';
$juren = '';
$jinshi = '';
$zhuangyuan = '';
$shangshu = '';
$chengxiang = '';
$wangye = '';
$huangdi = '';
foreach ($counts as $count ) {
$c_url = $count->comment_author_url;
$avatar = my_avatar( $count->comment_author_email,36,$default='',$count->comment_author);
if($dj >= 20 && $dj < 40){
$xiucai .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【秀才榜】第" . $i1 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 40 && $dj < 80){
$juren .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【举人榜】第" . $i2 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 80 && $dj < 160){
$jinshi .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【进士榜】第" . $i3 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 160 && $dj < 320){
$zhuangyuan .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【状元榜】第" . $i4 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 320 && $dj < 640){
$shangshu .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【尚书榜】第" . $i5 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 640 && $dj < 1280){
$chengxiang .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【丞相榜】第" . $i6 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 1280 && $dj < 2560){
$wangye .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【王爷榜】第" . $i7 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if($dj >= 2560 && $dj < 100000){
$huangdi .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $c_url . "\" title=\"评论量 " . $count->cnt . " 条,名列【皇帝榜】第" . $i8 . "位\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external nofollow\">" . $avatar . $count->comment_author . "</a>";
if(!empty($xiucai)){$xiucai ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD790;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(秀才榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$xiucai."</div>";}
if(!empty($juren)){$juren ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD780;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(举人榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$juren."</div>";}
if(!empty($jinshi)){$jinshi ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD770;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(进士榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$jinshi."</div>";}
if(!empty($zhuangyuan)){$zhuangyuan ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD760;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(状元榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$zhuangyuan."</div>";}
if(!empty($shangshu)){$shangshu ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD750;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(尚书榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$shangshu."</div>";}
if(!empty($chengxiang)){$chengxiang ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD740;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(丞相榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$chengxiang."</div>";}
if(!empty($wangye)){$wangye ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD720;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(王爷榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$wangye."</div>";}
if(!empty($huangdi)){$huangdi ="<h2 style=\"border-left: 6px solid #FF0000;background-color: #FFD700;\"><strong>读者评论等级排行榜(皇帝榜)</strong></h2><div class=\"readers\">".$huangdi."</div>";}
echo $huangdi;echo $wangye;echo $chengxiang;echo $shangshu;echo $zhuangyuan;echo $jinshi;echo $juren;echo $xiucai;





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  1. maqingxi
    maqingxi @回复


    • 懿古今
      懿古今2018-05-14 16:46  回复

      @maqingxi[呲牙] 聊胜于无,喜欢的可以折腾,不过现在很少关注读者墙了

  2. 橘子书
    橘子书 @回复

    [阴险] 是不是没文章更新了? [挤眼]

  3. 广州网站建设
    广州网站建设 @回复


    • 懿古今
      懿古今2018-05-17 08:54  回复
